Harry Potter ...issue 1-4

by Joanne K. Rowling

Here I have to admit that I am an absolutely "Harry Potter Fan". The first 4 issues I've read within a very short time in the English original. The 5th one is already in my library but until now I couldn`t find any time for the 766 bookpages... because I'm sure about to forget time and everything around me, as far as I only start reading. Although I didn't start reading yet, I did something what I never did in any time before....I read the end. It was because I've heard about the death of one leading character and so I feared for Ron, Hermione, the old Dumbledore and especially Sirius Black. Him I'd love to meet personally, I guess he might attract me.....;-)) But I'm not going to disclose anything, everyone has to read it oneself.

The books are written very exciting, I just guess the "Chamber of Secrets" isn't as good as the others. But you need to know all the characters and you're ought to read all issues, because there first appear persons for just small parts and later those change into leading actors.

My Valuation:
Absolutely ought to be read, and Harry Potter never is a just Kid's literature.
