The sign

real happening December 2, 2003

"silly rattling piece,...",

Whenever she pressed a button, Marion became crazy again, because her calculator has been rattling since the rubber piece was missing.

It still worked properly, but this monotonous noise seemed to drive her crazy since over a year and therefore she already decided to buy a new one.

She had problems to keep her concentration at work anyway, because her today's plan to visiting the grave of her recently deceased Grandma together with her daughter Alexandra.

Alexandra had been refusing to join the funeral, as she did not accept the death of her beloved Grandma. Since a couple of weeks she couldn't fall asleep and therefore Marion decided a common visit of Grandma's grave might be the last helpful possibility - even against Alexandra's will.

When they left the highway Alexandra's body became more and more paralyzed, one could feel her resistance without watching her. As they had passed the entrance of the town, Alexandra suddenly started to cry:

Why had my Grandma to die...I want her is hurting me more as I can bear...“

Marion tried to calm her and she explained to her, that the Grandma now was living at a wonderful place, where she was feeling very good. But she only were able to feel really fine, if Alexandra might accept her death without any more tears.

Previous times they always had to drive quite far to see the Grandma, but now they only needed to think about her to feel her close immediately. If Alexandra wanted to, she might be talking to her in every time and if she paid attention properly, Grandma would be sending a sign for sure.

In front the grave the child slowly calmed down and Marion fervently was asking in a silent dialog for receipt of a sign quite soon.

Bye Grandma and take care of yourself“,

On their way back home they talked about the permanent presence of the Grandma and that she took care about Alexandra from today as a Guardian Angel. Even if she couldn't see her, she would feel her presence all the time. Marion felt a calm balance ever since a long time and knew, it had been the best decision to visit the grave.

Back home, as they were sitting at dinner, Marion was magically attracted by a tiny thing onto the kitchen counter between sink and stove. This little piece with a diameter of 3 to 4 mm and thickness of 1,5mm actually was too tiny to be spotted onto a dark marble surface, especially in distance of 1,5m.

Marion stood up and as if in a trance she moved forward. As she came closer she suddenly knew what it was:

...the rubber piece of her calculator, that had been missing since over a year.


© Liane Porger



